
Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks (What Causes Agoraphobia?)

anxiety panic phobia Mar 01, 2024

Today's focus is on Agoraphobia – an anxiety disorder quite similar to Claustrophobia. In that, the cause is generally due to panic, or a fear of fear.

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This is a condition, where you begin to fear situations where escape might be difficult, or that help might not be available in the case of a panic attack. And, if the condition becomes more severe, this looks like having trouble leaving your home due to the fear that doing so may cause you to panic.

It’s estimated that more than a third of people with agoraphobia have trouble leaving their home and are unable to study or work as a result. Hence, why Agoraphobia’s translation from Greek is “fear of the marketplace”, the general out-and-about are where you buy what you need and work to earn money, which becomes so tricky with Agoraphobia.

Let's delve into the intricacies of this often debilitating condition


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The Cause of Claustrophobia

anxiety panic phobia Mar 07, 2023

Welcome, my friends, to my latest blog post, where we’ll dive deep into the subject of Claustrophobia, a fear of confined or crowded spaces, and how it links to panic attacks.

Many people don't realize that claustrophobia is one of the more impairing and disruptive phobias due to crowds and tight spaces, like elevators and public transport, being a common occurrence in our modern day-to-day lives. In fact, about 2.2% of the total population experiences claustrophobia, and it’s more common among women than men.

The intensity of claustrophobia can vary from person to person, but for some, even the thought of being in a confined space can be enough to make you squirm. Some common triggers of claustrophobia include elevators, public transport, markets, and shopping malls, small cafes, airplanes, and rooms with sealed or closed windows, just to name a few.

Symptoms of Claustrophobia

Now, let's talk about the effects of claustrophobia.

Some people may only experience mild...

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What causes a fear of cats? (Ailurophobia)

anxiety phobia Sep 07, 2022

What causes a fear of cats, or Ailuro-phobia?

Some people are not cat people, or may dislike cats.

If you’ve ever been scratched or bitten by a cat, you may be quite wary of them.

In either of these cases, you’re not going to go out of your way to spend time with them, but you’re also not going to spend a lot of time worrying about them.

Phobias are a lot stronger than dislike.

And today we are talking about Ailurophobia, Felinophobia, Elurophobia,

Gatophobia, Galeophobia or just straight, Cat Phobia.

Ailuro originates from the Greek word for cat.

Feline from Latin

And Gato from Spanish.

Lots of ways to say, “cats really freak me out!”


With ailurophobia you might spend a lot of time worrying about encountering cats and thinking about ways to avoid them.

This can be pretty disruptive to daily life, especially as cats are a very popular pet.

Speaking of, this fear is usually about domesticated cats rather than large predatory cats.

You may...

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Panic - The Real Cause of Claustrophobia

anxiety panic phobia Sep 06, 2022

Claustrophobia – a fear of confined or crowded spaces - has a little known connection to Panic Attacks.

Keep reading to find out more about the causes of Claustrophobia and how it links to panic.

The intensity of Claustrophobia can vary from one person to another.

It can cause severe anxiety and panic attacks.

And for some who struggle with claustrophobia, even the thought of being in a confined space may be enough to make you squirm.

In terms of numbers – about 2.2% of the total population experience claustrophobia. And it is more common among women than men.

It generally starts for people around 20 years old.

And most people don’t get any support for it (their entire lives), despite the fact that it’s one of the more impairing and disruptive phobias due to crowds and tight spaces (like elevators) being a common occurrence in our modern day-to-day lives.


Common Triggers

In fact, here are some of the common triggers of claustrophobia...

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